We went to Balboa Park which is where all the museums in San Diego are clustered. They're all in beautiful old buildings, and the whole park is landscaped with lots of flowers and fountains. We decided to visit the Natural History Museum. They had some fun exhibits for the kids, including one where they could stand in front of a green screen and see themselves on TV with time-lapse photography of plants growing. Audrey liked meeting the baby mammoth. Mary liked comparing the size of modern shark's teeth with the enormous teeth of extinct mega-sharks. After we left the museum, we stopped to watch some street performers. They picked a bunch of kids to be part of their juggling show. One girl had to leave the stage suddenly, so they needed another kid quick, and grabbed Mary. All the kids stood in a line, and the jugglers threw their clubs back and forth in front of and behind the kids. We didn't think they were actually going to do it, but they did. They told all the kids to stand still so they wouldn't get hit. Mary said she could feel the clubs going by, they were so close.
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